Friday, April 17, 2009


This month the Australian federal government is sending most Australian taxpayers a payment of up to $900 to "stimulate" the economy. There's been lots of advertisements for holidays and furniture and so on costing around the $900 mark. And lots of discussion in various Australian groups on Ravelry about what we're all planning on spending our stimulus money on. Not surprisingly, most of the discussion centres around yarn...

Me, even though I haven't received it yet, I've already started the spending. Except it's not exactly in Australia. Hey, I figure we're in a global economy, so there's nothing wrong with helping the US economy by way of the UK economy, is there? (Thanks Kylie!!)

Hence, this little gem:

Unwillingly, although fetchingly, modelled by Nelly. At one point she looked at me, as only a disdainful cat can, as if to say "what are you doing, you stupid human?"
I'm sure I heard her harrumph before she went back to sleep.

Anyhoo, 218 yards of softy precious burgundy goodness. I've already started to knit it up:

Lace but not lacy. Perfect for this yarn, I think. The only question is, should I block it? I quite like the textured, unblocked look so far.

Oh, and in case you are wondering, I think the qiviuk might just be a scootch softer than the cat!!! (I think I just heard another harrumph in the background).


Bells said...

Did you make that 'scootch' word up? Either way, I like it!

You know, I'm almost inclined to say leave it as is but then, maybe I'd like to see it stretched out a bit so I can really know for sure.

I want my stimulus payment! I want stimulation! he he

m1k1 said...

I guess it depends on whether you have enough q* to make it as long as you wantneed without the blocking. I like it squooshy and textured.
What a stunning colour.

Bells said...

You'd better bring this to camp. I have to see it in person! I must TOUCH it!

LynS said...

Beautiful colour and it somehow manages to convey its softness even in a picture. On the issue of whether to block or not, I think the answer depends on how you imagine yourself wearing the scarf (it is a scarf?). Do you see it carelessly scootched* up around your chin and worn rather like a cowl, or do you see it hanging down? If it you want it scootched up, then don't block. If you want it hanging down, block. You can see I have strong views on scarf wearing.
*I agree with Bells. A useful word.

FredAstep said...

Lovely the way it is - all soft and scrunchy snuggly. Just the way a scarf should be.

m1k1 said...

Can't get out of my mind, the image of herds of muskox roaming the UK hillsides, growing qiviuk. tres cute.

Em said...

Hey Bells, scootch is a real word, at least where I grew up. You generally use it to mean moving (hey, scootch over!), but it's also used for measurement increments designed to drive a new cook mad (how much salt do i add? oh, a scootch). I like the lace all scrunched up and textured looking, it's pretty!

Alwen said...

Around here, a little bit is a scoash (hmmm, rhymes with gauche, but of course I'm not sure how you say gauche there!).

Qiviut, mmm. My best friend's mom brought some from Alaska when she lived there.

My verification word is "wortheig"!

B said...

I made the same pattern into scarf/shawl. I liked it unblocked too, but then I blocked it and it was gorgeous!

amy said...

Yay for stimulus. I am making plans for my own mini stimulus while my husband is working his poor knuckles to the bone in Rome. I've already got a few things in mind...

I didn't know they made quivit (oh, screw the spelling, 'kay?! can't be bothered at the moment) in the UK, too. I thought it was just in Alaska. I touched a bit in a museum exhibit on the Inuit and it was soooooo soft.

Lynne said...

Very nice yarn and it knits up so prettily! It looks very soft.

Your Nelly could be a twin of our Tomodachi [Tom for short] - and he would react in just the same way!

kim said...

Oooh, I was eyeing up that scarf on Ravelry. It's really beautiful, and I think I might have to agree with you on the non-blocking.

MadMad said...

Whazzat, Alhambra?! I will fall out of my chair, because I was thinking of starting one... it's very pretty, whatever it is, and non-blocked looks very cool.

TinkingBell said...

Sososososo gorgeous - I want to pat it - and lovely all textural....and so gorgeously RED!

Anonymous said...

Love the colour, love the texture.

I had a cat, Felix who would also give that'What do you think you are doing?' look. I know it well... especially when I made baby berets and wanted a model!

Anonymous said...

Love the look of the scarf - what pattern is it?