Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Apparently, I am nice (or should that be noice?)

A couple of weeks ago, Catsmum very kindly nominated me for a Nice Matters Award (aw, shucks, thanks Susan!)

While the evil part of me gives an insane laugh at my ability to hide my true personality (mwahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!), the good angel on my right hand shoulder says "weeeeeeeee! how nice to be thought of as nice".

I remember my 2nd grade (or perhaps it was my 6th grade) teacher saying that the word "nice" should only be used in relation to food. Am not entirely sure of the reasoning behind this position and clearly I (and others!) have ignored this portion of my education, at no apparent peril.

I have gained a much greater appreciation of the importance of kindness, and the impact of a kind word or action on others, through blogging. Kinda sad to admit that in a way, but really, I've been blown away by the kindness and generosity I've found through blogging. I think I sound like a broken record as I've said this a few times already. But still it amazes me. And blogging makes it easy to be nice, and kind. Posts are considered, written, re-read and then posted, feedback comes through comments and friends are made, and I am able to ensure that, for the most part, the good angel retains control. And I like it. The challenge is to do this more in real life too!

Even though being evil is fun! (mwahahahahaaaaaa!)

I think I'm supposed to nominate 7 bloggers. But heck, I'm going to nominate everyone out there - everyone who reads my blog, all those whose blogs I read (those listed in the sidebar and others). You are all nice (even you Madmad!)


amy said...

You ARE nice. :-)

Snoozen said...

The energy used to be nice is some much less draining then being NOT nice. I was bemoaning the fact to my walking buddy this morning that it took me till I got to my coffee place after Preschool pickup to actually encounter a friendly face apart from EE. It left me feeling sad and disillusioned. Considering it was my first real exposure to 'real' people for the day.

Nice is great, and nice may make the difference in someones day.

Not that you need to worry as you are nice, make that very nice.

Anonymous said...

Nice only refers to food? That's different!

And you ARE nice and deserving of that award! We need more kindness in the world.

Bells said...

I've heard that nice only refers to food thing! How bizarre to hear it again!

You are a perfect combination of nice and wicked. :-)

Anonymous said...

You ARE nice, darling. Very, very nice. x

Anonymous said...

PS: Who is Madmad??

MadMad said...

There I was, minding my own little business, reading along about how nice everything was, la-di-dah and thinking Yeah. You know? It has been rather nice, this blogworld I found a few months ago, really nothing nasty at all, and then Whoa - I get smacked! Very NOICE one, though!

Bells said...

that should answer your question, Nora. She's right there below you.

TinkingBell said...

Awshucks - you are nice - but with just enough pepper and spice to make life interesting - I'm only nice in public - at home I'm the wicked witch of the North West! _ Just ask my kids when I've refused them something they absolutely must have - like chocolate and ice cream for breakfast!

Anonymous said...

'Nice' is under-rated and has suffered from Synonym abuse!! Even in my classes I always urged children to choose a better, more descriptive word. I like to be nice, nice and slightly wcked at the same time!! Happy niceness!!!

Em said...

My mom has always told me that nice matters, and the more time I spend out in the world, the more I believe it to be true. Of course, that could be a side effect of my miserable retail job, where nice is not a common thing. How refreshing to find a whole community of nice people (with a little twist of spice to keep from being cloying)!

Anonymous said...

you so totally deserve this nomination because it's true. you are very lovely. and kind.

your post reminds me of a fortune cookie slip that i found again recently. it says - a kind word warms three winters.

Anonymous said...

Aww... yeah you ARE noice!! :)