Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Day in My Life: Sunday 14 December

The last Day in My Life for 2008!

I had a bit of a sleep in as I came down with a bit of a flu yesterday - just what you don't need when you have to pack up an entire house ready to move on Monday! Fortunately, my mum came up to help us, and my brother also had to be in Sydney for work reasons so he's helped us this weekend as well. It's been an absolute godsend having them both, I know we wouldn't have finished everything without them.
I had a long-standing appointment with my Chicks with Sticks girls (a few former workmates who gather every month or so to knit and eat, drink and gossip) - one of our number is moving to Melbourne for 6 months and so it was her last CwS, and we'd put it off a few times already, so husby gave me special dispensation from the packing for a couple of hours, which was very good of him.

I did take a load of things in the car to drop off at the new house on the way back - fragile things or awkward things to pack - lamps, drawers, dinner set, food processor, pictures and frames, that sort of thing.

I spent a lovely couple of hours catching up with my friends and knitting, and all too soon had to leave. I dropped off the miscellaneous stuff at our new house (fortunately near where we met for CwS!) and headed home.

Arrived home and packed a few boxes, then it was afternoon tea time.
Donni, your fabulous biscuits came in so handy! It was just what we needed to pick us up and prepare for the final packing onslaught!

Is this not the best (non-knitting related) invention in the world?
Why yes it is!

We had dinner at the local RSL Club (my brother is still a member, and he had some "member dollars" to use up) which made for a quick, cheap and easy meal for a tired bunch.

Then the final push once we got home. The bathroom stuff, and the final bits and pieces in my study and my knitting corner of the loungeroom. Oh, and some laundry stuff. I think that's everything!

And a final cup of tea whilst blogging this. Then off to bed - it's going to be an early start and a big day tomorrow!


Michele said...

all best with your move and with settling into your new house.

Anonymous said...

Don't you find it shocking to discover how much stuff you own, when you have to pack it all into boxes? Good luck with your move!

DrK said...

thinking of you today with the big move, hope it all goes well and you are in and settled soon!

Bells said...

oh, great post. i feel all happy and sentimental for you - leaving behind your first home to go onto an even lovelier new home - your 'forever home' as you've said before.

Big day today. I know you won't read this til after it's all done -but I'm thinking of you!

Michelle said...

Good luck with the big move today! I don't envy you AT ALL, however your days yesterday sounded lovely despite all the packing an the flu!

Anonymous said...

Extra vitamin C, and some lemon and ginger tea: these might help?? Hope you are feeling better. I dread ever having to move but you seem to be facing it with British Cheerfulness!! Happy New House!!

Jan said...

Monday morning now and I hope all goes well for the move. Windy up here, but dry.

Too cold for my verification word which sounds like a summery pattern name to me, "culatop."

lilypotter said...

I miss a few (okay, more than a few) posts and you get a new house?! (FYI- I blame my lack of blog reading on the newborn.) Congratulations- and good luck with the move!

Alwen said...

I remember being stunned by how many boxes it took to do a very small, not particularly crowded-looking room. "Move" is a four-letter word, you know.

MadMad said...

You're a dynamo! Moving, knitting, dinner out, tea and blogging ALL IN ONE DAY? I've honestly never heard of that before. What is in that Australian water?

Ann said...

All the best on your move!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Tea time looks absolutely fabulous.

Sarah said...

Glad you squeezed the knitting time in there! Hope the moving is going well :o)