Today's project is a tale of my growth as a knitter (GAAK for short!). In more ways than one...
A couple of years ago, on my birthday actually, I decided I'd start a project in the Wollmeise so generously gifted to me by my blog buddy Michele (she'd given me TWO skeins of Rosenrot, before all the WM hype really began! Wow - just amazing!). Anyway, I chose a pattern and knitted away, slowly - it was for me so no rush.
Lately I've noticed lots of people making garments from their WM sock yarn, and since I'd picked up another skein of Rosenrot a while back (how can I not - it's "RoseRed" in German!) I started to regret my initial pattern choice because it seemed to make more sense to make something that uses all 3 of the skeins.
And so, dear readers, I frogged it. A half done scarf. Yes, me, frogging a perfectly good half knit item! (GAAK #1: accepting that frogging is completely ok and will not break me)
It went from this:
To this:
And after yesterday, it's now looking like this:

The Luminarie Skirt (Ravlink) by Annie Modesitt, from IK Summer 2009. I know! A knitted skirt! (GAAK #2 - if you count making a knitted skirt some sort of growth and not a big mistake!). I do think this is one knitted skirt that works - not figure hugging - so should actually skim over bumps and not bag and sag with wear. And it's entrelac! And lace! Fun!
I even swatched (GAAK #3). Important, because the called-for yarn is sportweight silk, and I'm using fingering/4ply merino. And even though I had nowhere near gauge, I started anyway, in the next size up, figuring that would be ok (um, do I lose GAAK points for that?).
Of course, it isn't ok...there's no way this will fit around my waist (that's an 80cm/32" circular it's on - so NOT my waist measurement). But you know what? I'm going to keep knitting for a little while longer anyway, to allow me to accurately size it up so I can make it to actually fit me! (Oh yeah, GAAK #4 - knitting for experiment sake, even though I know I'm going to have to FROG it (again) and thereby undo all those HOURS of work).
Hmmm, this being a grown up is kinda weird for me.
Go you! As a sometimes frogger, I can say that it's beneficial. I celebrate your GAAK! That's a big ask though, knitting away on something for the sake of experimentation. Good for you. I'm sure it'll be worth it.
Lace AND entrelac. Sigh.
Worth every bit of frogging and experimenting!
I love that acronym - it's nice when a bit of GAAK creeps up on you isn't it.
I also love that red - so rich.
I am a little anxious for your skirt though - silk and wool behave so differently?
Fingers crossed! The colours are so gorgeous and the frogging will all be worth it.
Oh my gosh I love that yarn. I remember drooling over it from last time. I will be very interested to see how the knitted skirt goes. And if it's too small, it can always be a tube top lol!!!
I've been waiting for this one - such an ambitious project. I agree with you that this is a great knitted skirt pattern - it makes the most of the soft drape of a knitted fabric...and the colour...super. But to have to frog and knit it up again - I don't think I'd ever be such a grown-up knitter.
I'm with Sarah - a bit nervous about the differences in the behavior of wool and silk. But hey, the worst that can happen is that it doesn't work out and you have to frog it again. months of pleasure from the same three balls of yarn. There's catch and release fishing. You're practicing catch and release knitting.
LOL. I thought GAAK was funny (and it is!). And then I read Roxie's comment: Catch and Release Knitting! Knitters are just so smart and funny.
And -- that skirt is gorgeous. It'll be fun to see how it works out in the WM.
Mmmm, the skirt is pretty. I'd say that even if it doesn't work out as a garment, it'll be a lovely showcase of your talent and the gorgeous yarn. Sometimes frogging is liberating, though I do hope you don't have to do it for this. I'm pulling for the skirt!
i'm *so* glad you're going to do a skirt! and that's such a pretty skirt too.
so sweet of you to mention me - thank you.
Ambitious but completely exciting.
Experimentation is a great GAAK milestone as is the knitting even though I am goin to frog it.
Good luck. Gorgeous yarn. I must be the only knitter in the world who's never knitted with Wollmeise. I must get my hands on some.
No Anni, I haven't either.
That skirt will be beautiful. The drape in the picture is lovely and your colour is just lovely.
I commented this a.m.! Did you erase me?!
Oh we're all GAAK together - it looks lovely and I am impressed the huge GAAK you are showing!
more loveliness - just gorgeous colour!
GAAK! Love it. Not to mention the whole wollmeise idea, fantastic fun!
So you've got a shawl, a tantric puzzle top, and a skirt that is like a tantric puzzle so far (you'll do it, I have confidence in you Maria*).
The seven deadly wollmeise are looking very deadly so far and I can't wait to see how they develop.
*You get my sound of music reference?
That's a lovely skirt, will look just gorgeous in the red. The lace is so interesting in the entrelac layout. Even if it does end up frogged the experience will be worth it.
PS Verification word = sessing as in "assessing" very apt!
You know sweetie if you can't bear to frog the skirt you can always give it to meeeee....Jilly xx
Am loving the WOW! Very excited to see how this skirt knits up, I have admired it in IK but wasn't sure if I would wear it..... You may just inspire me (because of my quest to be Rose Red) to give it a go! :)
Wow - I am beyond impressed with your skill and ambition - I'm sure you will end up with a fabulous garment.
Once made a multi-coloured mitred jacket for Daughter Dear. From Knitters magazine, calling for a yarn not available in Oz. And wildly expensive to import.
Also smallest size offered was too big for DD, and yarn worked out to a 10 ply. Used Bendigo 8 ply in smallest size for a spot-on result.
Then turned around and re-knitted the smallest size in Bendigo 5 ply for Eldest Grand-daughter (at that time 5 yo), for a result that fitted with growing room to spare.
Admittedly this pattern was very simple, producing a boxy Chanel square jacket. But the experiment was great fun. And saved about $150 on the yarn, without factoring in that there was LOTS of yarn left over to play with.
Keep on experimenting and good luck with the skirt.
Gae, in Callala Bay
It's going to be beautiful. cant wait to see how you get on!
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