Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rose Buds

While I'm working up the courage to darn those socks, I thought I'd share a secret project I've been working on the past couple of months, which has now been gifted and so can be shared.

Earlier this year I signed up for the Knitting Inspirations sock club - 4 packages of lovely Handmaiden/Fleece Artist sock yarn, with an original pattern and other goodies, spread over 12 months.
When the first package arrived in June, I was so glad I'd signed up - omg the yarn was just so gorgeous, both in colour and composition (the much lauded MCN! Merino Cashmere Nylon...mmmm delicious!) (and not black, this is just a dark photo - a lovely burgundy wine colour). Since Someone Special had a birthday coming up, I knew what I had to do!

Yarn: Handmaiden Casbah in wine, 1x115g skein. OMG this is gorgeous gorgeous yarn. So soft and lovely to knit with (and I hear, lovely to wear!). And I can tell you, it survives being unknotted in an epic four hour straight detangling session after a disastrous attempt at winding it (the less said about that whole affair the better!)
Pattern: The pattern was designed by Ann Lim, one half of Knitting Inspirations - a lovely easy toe up pattern with an eye of partridge heel flap/gusset. You can continue the rosebud pattern on both sides of the leg once the heel flap is done, but I chose to do the back of the leg in stocking stitch - a bit like a reverse mullet - party in the front, business in the back! Ann has now released the pattern for sale on Ravelry if you'd like to make your very own!
Sticks: 2.5mm KP Options fixed circulars, for magic loop technique - this pattern is perfect for magic looping, as the pattern is symmetrical and easy to divide over two needles.

Time: For various reasons, these were not finished in time for the birthday girl (lucky it was only half the gift!) - started 21 June 2009, finished 21 August 2009.
What I learnt: Be careful when winding - make sure you have separated the strands of the skein correctly before putting it on the swift. And don't get impatient when you have to wind by hand. And if you do have to detangle, be very patient and have lots of soothing cups of tea and chocolate on hand. Oh, and don't knit the foot too long or you'll have to rip it back after you finish the WHOLE heel section and redo it. Le sigh.
But despite these issues (all of my own making!) I think these are a lovely pair of socks.

Happy belated birthday Bells!


Bells said...

they are a truly fabulous pair of socks and I was blown away! I had read about the wonder of MCN and am now certain it is the nicest yarn my feet have ever encountered.

these shall be treasured well and truly! I appreciate the effort you went to more than I can say!

Oh and I am so touched that it was WINE yarn that you chose for me. How very apt.

LynS said...

These look even more perfect finished than they did while you were knitting. I love these kinds of sock patterns - neat vertical lines combined with a busy surface contained within the lines of rib. Very nice. And so good that they are much appreciated by the recipient.

Sarah said...

The reverse mullet - love it - and these socks - gorgeousgorgeousness

Leonie said...

Lucky Bells they are a lovely gift for her Birthday. Lucky you for scoring such a fantastic cand appropriate colour in a sock club!

DrK said...

they are truly divine, and so smooshy! perfect for delicate little bellsfeet :)

kgirlknits said...

gorgeous - just "visited" them over at Bells blog too!

Lynne said...


Does Bells send them back when they need darning? [Tee-hee]

Alwen said...

Merino cashmere? oooooo, now my feet are really envying Bells' feet!

amy said...

I have a skein of sock yarn that I still haven't knit with because by the time I untangled it, I hated it so much I couldn't stand to look at it. Schaeffer Anne, I think? Ah, yes, here it is:

I'd give it away, but it's in two pieces. Anyway, I always wind by hand, but rarely do I have such a mess as I did with that yarn. You have patience beyond mine if you not only detangled it, but went on to knit with it!!

2paw said...

Pshaw I say!! (I do actually say that) what's a little bit of time between friends?? Beautiful socks, the pattern and the wool and the colour!! You are so patient to undo the terrible tangle. I spy Lady Grey: Yum!!!

roxie said...

Rockin' socks, lucky Bells.
Toes love cashmere, heels as well.
Lucious color, red as wine -
worth the tangles and the time.

Anonymous said...

They are indeed a lovely pair of socks! They look positively soft and squeezable.

Jan said...

One day I'll drop past and leave my tangled Araucania in your letterbox! LOL. Actually I'm leaving it till the memories have faded and I imagine it might then untangle.

You might as well try darning those socks. Then you'll have learnt a new skill. Even if it's not a rip roaring success, you'll be able to wear them, which you can't do at the moment.

michele said...

yes really lovely socks!

as for winding issues and tangles - yeah - i've had my tear inducing moments with this too.

Linda said...

I was just admiring those on Bells blog! A lovely gift.

TinkingBell said...

They are utterly lovely - an you are such a good friend


yoel said...

Gorgeous! And, I couldn't stop laughing about the reverse mullet socks. Hee!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely gift! So very kind of you. They look gorgeous!

kim said...

I've just commented on these gorgeous socks at Bells blog. What a great friendship you both have. Lovely.

Ann said...

You did a great job on the sock & I like the reverse mullet idea - fantastic. Thanks for all your kind words on my pattern.