Thursday, September 10, 2009

WOW: Wrapup

Wow. That was a big week of knitting (and blogging!). I had to have a little break. In fact, on Tuesday night, I spent two whole hours sitting down in front of the tv NOT KNITTING! Amazing!

Looking back on each of the 7 projects I started, I've noted the following:
-3 garments - a skirt, a vest and a ... hmm, I'm not sure how to describe the Tantric Puzzle top!
-2 pairs of socks, one toe-up, one cuff-down
-2 shawls, one circular, one triangular
-5 lace projects
-1 cabled project
-1 fair isle project
-1 entrelac project
-1 new trick learnt (latvian twist cast on) and a couple practiced (emily ocker's cast on, knitting backwards (or purling from the knit side).

I'm pretty happy with that variety. I'm also pretty happy I've got multiple sets of 4mm KnitPicks tips and a bunch of extra cables!! A couple of things have not been as successful as I'd hoped, for various reasons, but that's ok, they all contribute to my GAAK!

What a wonderful, liberating and fun experience it was. I was interested to see how many people thought that so many new projects would overwhelm them or worry them as to how they'd keep track of them or get them all finished. Everyone has different comfort levels. Me, I love having options. And I choose not to worry about the number of things on the go or how I'll get them done. It's only knitting. I figure there's more important stuff in the world to worry about - although to be honest, I try not to really worry about anything anymore, because my worrying doesn't change anything except the amount of grey hairs in my head. Of course, I don't always succeed at this "not worrying" thing though! Like everything else, it's a work in progress.

As to finishing wips, I have a plan of attack. I am going to try to work on one of the new projects and one of my already existing WIPS during each month, with the aim of finishing both in that month. And that way, when I go back to the next "new" project, it will be just like starting something new but with all the planning and casting on and the annoying first row done!


Bells said...

such an impressive week. It was great fun to watch. I never worried you'd be able to keep track or that you'd be overwhelmed, was just reflecting how I'd be! I know you love to have so many options. I need options too - just not so many. Sean wonders how I have so many books on the go at once when he only wants one or two. We all manage stuff differently!

I'm a born worrier. I could worry for Australia.

Sam said...

I love that you had the foresight to plan how you'll now manage to work on all these new projects! Well done!

Anonymous said...

What a brilliant week! I've only just discovered the joys of multiple projects - I love it! (But I've only got 4 on the go at once.) My eyebrows went up when I saw what you'd written about watching TV and NOT KNITTING!!!!!!!! I didn't think it was possible : )

kgirlknits said...

I reckon I can totally understand the TV Tues break there - you're brain must have been fried on over-stimulation! or is that just me that gets all bug eyed with excitement each time I cast on something new??

well done on a very successful experiment and prolific week - good luck with the progress to come too :)

LynS said...

It's been a fun week for us on-lookers - beautiful yarn in dazzling colours, innovative patterns and the pleasure of a blog each day.

My theory about worry is that it expands to fit whatever time is available, so you might as well have something pleasurable (knitting) to worry about. My concern about having so many projects simultaneously on the go is that I'd either lose them or lose track of them. Balancing so many projects implies a very high level of organisation!

Michelle said...

As long as you're having a heap of fun, I reckon do what you want to do!! Which you are, obviously.

I've been looking bck at all your WOW projects and they all look fantastic! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress.

Sarah said...

Wow indeed - a wonderful week and here's to wonderful wips and to not worrying :)

Lynne said...

Wow! Sountds like you've got it all under control!

MadMad said...

Two hours of TV without knitting?! You are just stretching the bounds of the possible this week!

A Friend said...

Dear Mrs Wippy
Thanks for all the inspiration. Have fun.

Donna Lee said...

I have a few wips at the moment. Just one lace project, and three pairs of socks. (I can't resist self patterning sock yarn and have a birthday gift opportunity coming up)and one soon to be started sweater. I put pressure on myself to get things done and I've no idea why. Like you said, it's only knitting. Not like it's universal healthcare or something.

michele said...

i like your plan! sounds good to me. and the not worrying too. i need to do more of that.

and i love your knitting adventures - trying new things - pushing the number of things you have on the needles - giving yourself permission to work on what you want to.

roxie said...

Bravo! Know thyself and rock on!

Caffeine Girl said...

I'm with you -- I like to have lots of options. Although, I do sometimes feel overwhelmed. But, it all does contribute to GAAK (you should be famous for inventing that, BTW!).

DrK said...

i am so impressed with your imagination and creativity this week. and im so with you on the worrying. not worrying is truly liberating, and makes you realise how little power you have in the world, considering how it continues to do its thing regardless of the amount of worry energy expended. i must confess tho, i am smiling at the size of your WIP list over there, i think that would give me a nervous breakdown, hehe.

Jan said...

I've really enjoyed seeing each new project appear. Like you, I enjoy a bit of variety on the needles. I also find it helps my crabby fingers to have different wools and needles to choose from and move among.

Cables? It seems that every time I go into Greta's I find I have added another cable to whatever else I've purchased. Sometimes more Harmony needles too.

Verification word was "backledi." Do you think that's a previously unknown variant on baklava? LOL

Ann said...

Wow - that was a fun week & I enjoyed it very much. Thanks for sharing. You are right about worrying - it's pointless. The problems are still there everyday. I am not a "worrier" too!

Linda said...

You did so well this week. It has inspired me to cast on and I love the thoughts on worrying. In fact I am going to start some crochet!

TinkingBell said...

I really enjoyed watching you casting everything on (and you GAAK!)
I hve periods of utter faithfulness and massive promiscuity (in my knitting life only thank you!) and can see how nice it is to be able to pick up and put down! So lovely - well done you!

Tanya said...

Variety is the spice of life! I've really loved seeing all the gorgeous new projects you've started. And am looking forward to seeing them all as FOs (now there's a challenge!)