Some ungodly hour: woken by Nelly meowing to go outside. Roll over and fortunately fall back to sleep.
6.15am: woken by the radio. Which fortunately has a snooze button, unlike Nelly.
6.22am: woken by the radio again. This time, I get up and have my shower. Today is hair washing day (every second day is hair washing day). After my shower, I decide what to wear, get dressed (after putting on a pair of pantyhose and discovering a huge hole and ladder just below the knee. Sigh and get out new pantyhose) and make sure I've got an umbrella. Wet weather for Sydney today.
7.15am: leave home. Read about the appointment of Australia's first female Governor-General and rejoice. Got a bit wrapped up in reading the paper so didn't finish the sudoku before I get to work.
7.50am: arrive at work, grab breakfast from the kitchen and check bloglines while I eat and have my coffee. See Little Jenny Wren's reminder about today being the 14th and think "d'oh" - knew I'd forgotten to diarise something!
10am: I have to give an induction presentation to new starters to my organisation. I haven't done this particular one before so spend a while beforehand familiarising myself with the content. All goes ok (I think!)
10.30am: my regular weekly catchup with my boss, where we discuss what work I'm doing, any questions I have, and what she is doing. Also discuss her renovations and how sore my legs are from doing the gardening yesterday! I knew there was another reason why I only garden about once a year! The agony today! I could barely walk (I know, I am pathetic!)
11am: Get back to my desk to discover this:
12.40pm: Hungry. Mainly the fault of a work colleague who is eating delicious smelling lasagne at her desk. Decide to have same for lunch - mmm comfort food, perfect for rainy grey weather. Fortunately get the second last serving from the food court.
Spend some time on Ravelry whilst eating, I'm on of the organisers for the most recent Australian Knitters swap, so have to check for questions and discuss the answers with the other organiser. I think this is going to be a bit of work. But that's ok, it's good to contribute, as the last two swaps have been really good.
2.40pm: Need to go to the newsagents to buy some envelopes for a work thing (non-standard sized ones) and also grab a bus ticket while I'm there. And my afternoon coffee on the way back to the office.
4pm: On a work phone call when a colleague (the one who gave me the Red Shoe Girls badges) throws a jellybean over the dividing wall between our desks and hits me on the head. Lucky the people I was on the phone to didn't mind! We get on very well!
5.45pm: Phone husby to see if he is leaving work early to pick me up. No. Which means I catch the bus. Shut down my computer and head out to the bus stop, which is right near my work. Fortunately it's not raining, as there isn't much shelter at the bus stop.
5.58pm: Get on bus, take out my knitting. Have to cast on the second CanAssist sock. Have never cast on on the bus before! I always try and do it at home. I also wonder what people think when they see someone knitting on the bus. I hope that it encourages someone to take up knitting!
6.45pm: Arrive home. Change into pjs and peel and chop veges for dinner. We're having leftover BBQ chicken with mash and peas/corn - one of our recent favourites. Can't beat a good BBQ or roast chicken.
7pm: Watch Home & Away - my guilty secret. I only started watching again this year to see Sally leave (since I did watch it way back when it started...sigh, I am getting old!). And now I've been sucked into the Who Killed Sam? storyline. Honestly, once that's done, no more Home & Away!
7.30pm: Husby arrives home, I cook the mash and veges and we have dinner.
9pm: I make us both a cuppa. I have mine while watching Project Runway (fantastic show!) and knitting on the socks and he has his while doing some work in the front loungeroom. We both have a couple of Anzac biscuits, which I made yesterday afternoon - two dozen, and there's only about 5 left!!
That's quite a nice life you've got there! Not too busy, but still fulfilling. I like it. :)
Also, great buttons!
Thanks for the Home and Away update. You have made my day, I am glad Sam has left the show, I really disliked that character!! April 14 in London, is much he same as Sydney. Grey. Wet. Cold. I need to start knitting!!!
Missing you!
Home and Away? *snort* Really? No wonder it's a guilty secret!!!
I so wish I'd done this yesterday. I would want it to be as good a write up as yours.
Next month.
Oh and I just cast on on the bus for the first time a week or so ago. I was always afraid to now and I don't know why I was!
not too busy?! it sure seems busy to me! and you know it's so lovely to hear about your day. makes me feel i know you better. love, love the badges - they are perfect for you.
What fabulous badges! Lucky duck!
After the laddered stockings I was afraid the whole day was going to be a bust, so I was so relieved that it wasnt! teehee.
Those buttons are so fabulous! What nice, little surprise...
Glad to hear your Nelly is as naughty as mine on the early morning wake up meows! I've only recently taken to knitting on the bus, and have noticed that using steel needles tends to keep the seat next to me vacant for quite a while. And what a lovely present from your colleague!
I used to wonder what the people on the bus/tram/train thought of me knitting. One day I met a knitter ont he tram. We spied each other one week and then the next we happened to get on the same tram again and sat together and knitted and chatted how cool!!
Hey don't stop watching's my guilty secret too! We can discuss at Sunday breakfasts!!
What a great day you have: now I expect you think that's weird, but I have to live work vicariously through someone!!! What a nice badge surprise!!
I ache after gardening too so you are not the only one! Sally leave Home and Away? I thought she would be there until she was 80.
Great to read about your day - except now you've made me want lasagne :)
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