Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Lots of thanks owed and given

I've been the recipient of so many good goodies lately so please bear with me - I've such talented and kind friends and family.

Yesterday was my first day back at work after nearly 4 weeks off - I know 4 weeks sounds like such a lovely long time, and it is, but I have to say that the first couple of weeks was spent packing, moving, cleaning and unpacking - then it was Christmas, with travelling and family stuff, then New Year, with more family stuff - so I haven't actually had as much time to myself as I would have liked. But I do have my lovely new house, so am not complaining. Much.

But my day yesterday was brightened considerably by two packages!! The red one was a late birthday and Christmas gift from my friend Miss J - including two hand-embroidered pillowcases with husby's and my initials! So clever! And the fan came in very handy at home today in the heat! The other gift was from Jeanette (Ramblybear on Ravelry) - we've struck up a friendship and she so very kindly sent me a "make the first day of work a lot easier" present! Which included some shawl and hat patterns and some gorgeous Rowan 4ply!! So fabulous!

Some Christmas gifts as well! More "fancywork" from my mum - a piece which we've framed to put on the wall, and a round table centre. Lovely red laceweight from Tinkingbell and a fab teatowel and yummo biscuits from George! And a sock from Kylie (which I forgot to photograph, but which you can see here) - so funny - I was so gushingly admiring of the sock when Kylie was posting about it, little realising she was knitting it for me!! Oh, and a new laptop from husby - totally surprised me with that one. And it's an "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" (ok, I may have added some e's there, but how could I not!)
Finally the last two gifts arrived today - Fearless Fibres tight twist merino sock yarn in "Feel the Love" (why, yes I do, thankyou very much!) and a project bag from lovely Nora, and the bestest most special gift from Bells (I know how special it is because she told me so!) - a red shoe print, done by her friend Polly - it's so wonderful and I must find a special place in my house to hang it. And I mustn't forget a fun tea cosy book - I've almost bought this book a couple of times so clearly it was meant to be!

I wish all of you my dear friends and family some very good karma indeed! Now, if only I can work how to post the mosaic thingy so that you can see the descriptions. No doubt Bells will tell me tomorrow...


Bells said...

all such great things. You are, as I'm sure others would agree, a lovely person to buy/make things for!

When you do the mosaic thing, before you upload it to flickr, you copy the list of photos from a little box below it, put it into your post and then upload it from flickr. Then you get the links!

Michelle said...

Lucky duck! I think your friends and family know you well - perfect gifts!

kgirlknits said...

such beautiful, thoughtful gifts - people know you well ;)

Anonymous said...

Such lovely goodies, especially the little red shoe print... SO CUTE!

Sarah said...

Yay! Lovely things! Been nice catching up with you - nice peek at the new abode, looking forward to the new tour. Well done on the stash honesty - I was hoping to see an overall decrease in my stash this year but am putting off the final tallying as I'm not sure I made it either. Still, it's just insurance, the yarn harlot sez so. Wishing you a very happy new year.

MadMad said...

Darn. I might be the last person on Earth who doesn't know how to do a mosaic. But enough about me - great pressies. (Look at me, all "pressie," like I'm an Aussie. Did I even spell it right?) Anyway, they're very cool! Have a wonderful time with Bells!

DrK said...

the red shoe print is even lovelier than i imagined (i heard all about it beforehand, you know!). nice work all round, but thoroughly deserved xx

Anonymous said...

Wow. You are obviously well loved. And I'm not at all surprised by that. :) Enjoy.

TinkingBell said...

I am the last person on earth who doesn't know how to do this techie stuff!

Never mind

And it's always lovely fun to give gifts to people who enjoy and use them - even if they only use them to pat or admire!

Happy new house!

Linda said...

Lovely pressies! I do like your house, the wall colour fits perfectly in that room.

Anonymous said...

Lovely presents - lucky you!

I use mosaic maker for mosaics: http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/mosaic.php.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous gifts for a gorgeous gal! x

[Although next gift will definitely be far more ambitious than red sock wool.]