Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy Anniversary Bells

Today marks the day that Bells and I first "met", in 2007. Well, we're not sure it was the 15th March or another day, but it was somewhere around this day, so we decided the ides of March it was!

Who'da thunk that we'd become such good friends in the space of a year. We have started a new blog and a KAL together (Mouthfuls of Heaven, and Southern Summer of Socks), we visit each other when we can, we email constantly during the day and have had more than one occasion to say to each other something along these lines: "me too!" "that's my favourite as well", "three words: separated at birth" and "are you sure you aren't my twin sister?"

Amazing, just amazing. Bells emailed me this morning to wish us a happy anniversary, and her "I'm pleased" comment about our friendship was the perfect understatement. I'm pleased too!


Bells said...

Oh I feel all mushy!! Much love.xoxo

Anonymous said...

And I once misquoted Bells with something you actually said. I felt bad, but after reading your post, I'm thinking, "Well, it's no wonder..."

Back in the day, the slogan for Reese's Peanut Butter cups was "Two great tastes that go great together." Well, there you go...

Bells said...

oh i love the idea of being compared to those yummy peanut butter cups. he he

And yes, it's no wonder you got us mixed up.

MadMad said...

Awwww! How wonderful! I knew you'd met through blogging, but didn't realize it was a mere year! What a great thing the blogging thing is, huh? (Oh, that was articulate, huh?)

Sarah said...

What a lovely anniversary - blogging is too cool for skool

Diana said...

That's really great. Friendship is such a treasure!!

Georgie said...

Yay for bloggy friendships! We've all enjoyed the offshoots too (MoH, SSoS). True friends are such special things.

Donna Lee said...

Congrats for a year of friendship! That was a great story to share. How cool is it that two women can meet online and then find out they have so much in common and become face to face friends?!

Ann said...

Congratulations to you & Bell on your anniversary - I can't imagine that both of you met online. The 2 of you sounded like childhood friends. I think the world of blogging is great as it brings people together from all over the world.

catsmum said...

Ha-ppy Ann-i-ver-sary
Ha-ppy Ann-i-ver-sary
Ha-ppy Ann-i-ver-sary
Haaa-py Anniversary!

and do you know I can't even remember which one of you two I 'met' first :]

Denise said...

Happy Anniversary to us ALL - you met on my wedding anniversary! :D

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! Happy Anniversary. :o)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, both... but if I recall, I played a part [albeit small] in this too! Something about intercepting the magazine and sending it to the wrong p/c, remember?!? :)

PS: It's my mission this year to meet Bells [and Donni]!

Snoozen said...

Congratulations it must have been a week of anniversaries, H and I and my parents all in the same week as you and Bells.

Happy Friendship Anniversary.